Friday, December 5, 2014

Actively Learn

My students read and interact with text on a daily basis.  It is so important and valuable for them to collaborate, think critically, and communicate through and about the text that they read.  I have currently been using a web-based application called Actively Learn and I LOVE it!


  • creates assignments that can include short answer or multiple choice questions to check for understanding
  • add images, links, or videos to the assignment
  • can upload articles or stories from PDFs, Google Docs, or a website link
  • can use the many assignments that are already in Actively Learn
  • easily grade and comment on responses 
  • read in chunks
  • define words within the program itself
  • highlight and annotate 
  • respond to other student's annotations
I have used it in class along with groups discussion.

I have assigned it for HW and have been amazed with their thoughts and discussions with each other.

I have place student writing (not named) in as an assignment and asked students to analyze the writing and improve it looking at different writing techniques.

If you haven't used it, I believe it would be worth your time to explore.  It is very user friendly and one more tool to help students interact with text and others!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014


I totally stole this idea from @Catlin_Tucker and it worked beautifully.  In groups they were relased out into the wild of the outdoors to take a picture and then create a caption using sensory details and figurative language.  Then they had to assign a hashtag.  They loved it!  I loved to see their creativity break through.   Here is one groups:

This is what I love about technology.  This activity took 15 minutes and students produced something creative and full of depth!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

4 New Tech Tools

I was absent from my classroom yesterday in order to attend a fabulous training by Discovery Education.  Being absent from the classroom is always challenging because my students sometimes do not receive the information that they need.  But this time, it was like I never left the classroom.  I did a screen cast of my lesson for my students usiing Screencast O Matic.  They loved it, the substitute loved it and I loved it.  They were able to learn the content like I was still actually in the classroom and to be honest it only took me about 10 minutes to create.  

  • user friendly
  • allows you to go back a few seconds to fix mistakes
  • easy to publish to your youtube channel

Now at the actual training I learned a ton!  The resources provided by Discovery Education are amazing!  I can't wait for my students to be able to build a board using content from Discovery Education.

During the training, I was introduced to Answer Garden.  Wow!  Answer Garden is a smash of Padlet and Wordle.  It asks for short responses to questions that it compiles into a Wordle.  Words that are repeated become bigger showing more emphasis.

The last tool that I learned about is Symbaloo.  This site serves as a sort of bookmarking system for websites, apps, etc.  I love how simple it is, how you can change the color of the images and how you can add titles.  Here is my Symbaloo for resources that I have used and love or want to learn more about:

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Substitute -- Time Saver

Okay this will be a quick one!  Thanks to a fellow Digital Learning Coach,  I have discovered and now use Baker Bingo.

It is really simple.  You type in your "answers" in the bingo card.  You generate the card and copy the link provided on the right hand side and then paste it on your webpage, Haiku site, shared google doc or email it to the students.  They click on the link and every kid gets a different card and they can press it on their ipad and the squares turn colors.

One aspect of technology that I LOVE is how much it saves time.  I was able to do two bingo reviews in less than 10 minutes.  It is so quick, direct, and engaging.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Who's on First? Abbott and Costello

Something New...

So this week I did something new to introduce my next topic.  So the main standard I am teaching is RL 8.3 (analyze dialogue and how propels actions) and RL 8.6 (analyze how different points of view create humor).

I love both of these standards and was super excited to introduce this unit.  In order to introduce this unit, I used a classic:  "Who's on First".  This was a perfect and fun introduction because it clearly shows students how different POVs (Abbott, Costello, and the audience) create humor and how dialogue propels actions and causes characters to act.

The activity was so successful.  I began by focusing our time with focused questions (you know how I love questions):

  • How do the different points of view create humor?
  • How does dialogue propel the action?
  • How does dialogue cause a character to act?
Then we listened to the skit, the students created a tree map that showed the different points of view and then I had them frame it up with the questions above using a Google Form.  I LOVE google forms!

This was a great activity and reminded me of my Grandpa.  This was his favorite skit!  He is the one who introduced it to me and I remember laughing with him and discussing it with him.  A very sweet memory and I love bringing that to my class.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

ELD Class

I LOVE my ELD Class!  They have all the characteristics of a perfect class!  They are:

  • determined
  • intrinsically motivated
  • teachable
  • involved in their own learning
  • not afraid to try 
  • super fun
I know ELD can be a tough class, but this year our school tried something new and I have implemented a new format to teach this class and I have found it to be super successful.  There are many factors that make it successful.
  1. Administration has set up the schedule so that I have my ELD students (23 of them) in Language Arts and Social Science for 1st and 2nd period with other students.  There are 42 in all!  My ELD students stay with me 3rd period for ELD instruction.  Successes:  My 1st and 2nd period are heterogeneous which is SO beneficial for my ELD students.  My ELD students are getting access to CORE content and being supported in my 3rd period class.
  2. I am able to connect the curriculum.  I introduce concepts 1st in my ELD class, so that when they are introduced in my Core class, my ELD students are now the "experts".  
  3. We read, write and present SO much!  Everyday they are practicing the language through genuine conversations and organized writing and presenting.  

Here they are presenting!  

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Someone shared a tidbit with me today that was very encouraging.  She explained that students in my class are engaged because I hold them accountable (paraphrase).  That made me smile.  I like that an outsider observed that my students know that THEY are responsible for their learning.  They can't come in and just be observers or space out or only participate when they think it is "fun" or "interesting".

My students are responsible for their learning, for participating, for sharing out, for pulling their weight, for thinking, for analyzing, for fixing mistakes, for asking questions.

I haven't always been good at holding my students accountable, but I learned from a dear friend, Mrs. Rodriguez.  I implemented jobs this year and they have been incredibly successful.

  • Leader/Notetaker
  • Reading
  • Reporter
Students in my class are just used to having to share out (using a microphone).  They have grown accustom to reading out loud together.  More importantly, leaders have taken their responsibility seriously and have asked their groups good questions, led their groups in good discussions, and kept their group focused.

I thought it would be too challenging to implement, but I kept it super simple and use the jobs daily and it has been successful.  I know Mrs. Rodriguez uses a rubric to assess each other in completion of jobs, but I am not there yet!  Maybe in January! :)

Saturday, October 11, 2014

PLN (Personal Learning Network)

Today's post is about ME.  So this school year has been AMAZING so far.  Mostly because I have stepped into a new position that has challenged me to grow, given me confidence to share what I know, and sparked a flame in my passion for teaching.

I am a part time DLC (Digital Learning Coach) for Tustin Unified School District.  I have the privilege of working with some amazing educators who have CHANGED education and teaching in TUSD.  Everytime I gather with them, I am challenged and encouraged to pursue growth in my career as a teacher and to share that with others.

I also enjoy sharing that knowledge with my site and can't wait to see the amazing ways in which all staff members at my site can grow this year and become better educators.

One of the concepts that the DLCs have taught me this year is the importance of PLNs.  So one of my goals is to expand my depth of knowledge as a teacher through different networks.  I would like to try to participate in a few online seminars and some educational chats.  I want to redefine my learning as an educator just like I want to redefine my teaching.  Any suggestions of good webinars or educational chats, send them my way!

Teaching and Learning!
All day and Every day!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Successful PBL

cWow!  My amazing students presented their projects today to 3rd and 4th graders!  They were absolutely amazing.  The whole scene was inspiring to watch.  Professionally dressed, well prepared, and enthusiastic 8th graders teaching engaged, question filled 3rd and 4th graders.  Every presentation was different with well-researched information and statistics along with engaging activities and deep thought-out questions.  Here is a glimpse of the some of the aspects that were used in their presentations today:

  • A Kahoot Quiz at the end of a presentation to check for understanding on calories
  • An emaze presentation about types of exercises to do at home
  • A game to match the type of exercise to its name
  • An I-Movie about how to stop the spread of germs
  • Whiteboards to check to see if students understood the different ways to prevent bullying
  • A Smore to teach about sugars

I love that every booth was different and unique and that every child who participated learned something new!  I can't wait for the next one.  I would love some suggestions on ideas for topics.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

PBL and Tech

Wow!  What a week!  I LOVE doing the PBL in my class.  It is just so amazing to see the students excited about what they are learning.  Here is what we have done in just two days:

  • Created a class survey and a survey for Elementary students
  • Gave the survey to our own class on Haiku Polls
  • Interviewed over 200 Elementary students 
  • Turned surveys into statistics to be used in project
  • Engaged in a presentation from two guest speakers
  • Discussed and created a driving question in groups
  • Created and began research using Google Drive to collaborate

I am so excited to see what my students are going to produce, but you know the honest truth is all I really care about is the process.  What these kids are doing in the process is making them think critically, collaborate and be creative.  I am very proud of them and the work that they are putting into their project.

Okay so super side note!  I love THINKGLINK!  I am using it all the time to share links, connect to Padlet, direct students to websites.  I haven't figured out how to embed directly into this blog, so instead I directed you to the link for thinglink.  The one I made is very simple, but just shows how quickly and easily you can make an interactive image.  Health Thing Link

Monday, September 22, 2014

Infuse Learning

Today I used Infuse Learning.

Our Ipads do not have any apps loaded on them yet, so whatever I use needs to be web based.  So I thought I would try Infuse Learning.

It was super easy to set up and pretty easy to run.  I used the free draw response and the written response and found it very informative.  You of course have to get over the silliness of the free draw response.  

It works much like a whiteboard but doesn't require markers or erasers.  I could see it being used in math on a daily basis to check for understanding!

I haven't used it to its depth yet, as I have only used for quick responses, but it is a good balance to Kahoot!

Infuse on!

Thursday, September 18, 2014


I tell my students that to be scholar you have to be willing to 


So that is what I am doing, better said, we are doing.  I am so excited for what we have planned!  Starting on Monday, we will begin our PBL...


We are surveying each other, surveying some Elementary Students, inviting two guest speakers, doing research, creating a health fair for our 3rd and 4th graders to help teach them the importance of staying healthy in order to stay in school and receive a better education.

Our 8th graders are going to be challenged beyond belief, but what they COULD produce, what they COULD learn is amazing.  I am very hopeful for what the results may be.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Questions, questions, and questions

The use of questions has changed my teaching.  The use of Essential Questions has guided and focused my teaching and improved student learning.  The use of higher-order teacher questions has helped me differentiate and build knowledge.

I LOVE good questions.  If I can develop good questions to use daily, I know that my lessons will be successful.  Creating and developing effective questions is challenging.  Most of my time and effort goes into this process.

ESSENNTIAL QUESTIONS:  Universal and timeless questions that can be  answered (in a minimal form) at the beginning of the Unit of Study and at the end of the Unit of Study with greater knowledge and depth of insight.

Higher-Order Teacher Questions:  More specific and precise questions that help build to the Essential Question (the goal is that they be higher on the Bloom's Scale).

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Something NEW

I love collaborating with my colleagues!  It makes me a better teacher, it challenges me to try something new, and it keeps my teaching fresh.

This year, in my first topic, our focus is on the following skills:

  • building an objective summary of a text
  • critiquing a source for its reliability
  • analyzing the use of different media to present a topic
  • identifying evidence to support inferences
Wow...what amazing goals and skills to have, but it doesn't come easy.  

One of my colleagues presented me with the CRAAP test and I love it because it is memorable and helpful.



Thursday, September 11, 2014


What a great year so far!  Today I used some technology that I love.  Kahoot!  If you have not used Kahoot, you are missing out.  It is a quick multiiple choice formative assessment that is very motivating for students.

It is good for:

  • Quick multiple choice checks (you do NOT get feedback for gradebook)
  • Good motivating practice of a topic 
  • Fun review in groups or individually
  • Math facts...anything you can do in multiple choice and quickly
This is NOT good for:
  • Deep thinking and analyzing
  • Short answer
  • Use data for grades
Have fun Kahooting!

Friday, September 5, 2014


Okay, so this has really nothing to do with teaching but technology!  I was just introduced to Canva and am now obsessed!  You should check it out and see what you can create.  The only downfall as of right now is that it can only be used on a desktop computer.

Have fun playing!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

What is success?

Today I tried some 


I used poll everywhere to engage students in critical thinking and collaboration. Here was the question:

Students engaged in discussion and I was amazed with their thoughts.  Here are some nuggets:
  • Well, Mrs. Joyce, how would you define success?
  • Isn't peace the highest success?
  • If you are willing to take risks, your return will be greater!
I liked poll everywhere.  It was easy to set up, easy for students to find, and visually clear.  It would be easier if all students had a device (which they will in a few weeks).

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Deck of Cards

Great 1st day of school!  I did something today that I do every year and once again it was successful.

Yep that's right a deck of cards.  I hand them out as they walk in and they find their partners and follow the directions on the board (usual a short conversation starter).  It's funny how much I learn about my students from this activity.  The loud mouth starts shouting out "8, I have 8, who else has 8?".  The boss finds his group and nicely starts telling everyone else where they should sit.  The problem solver realizes she has a group of 2 but is sitting in a table group meant for 3 and changes.  The...I'm not sure what to call him.  The one who stands there and does nothing, sits no where, and just waits...waits....waits.  These are the tough kids, the ones we educators have to motivate to think, to act, to do!  Here is a video we watched today and discussed.  It was for those kids!  The stuck on the escalator kids.

My 1st day pic!

Monday, September 1, 2014

To group or not group....that is the question!

I went in to school today to set up my classroom.  I have generally always set up my classroom in groups of either three (with two people there is NOT enough information to share, with four people there is TOO much information to share).  This year I have decided to try something...


I have an array of different groupings.  I mostly have groups of three, but splattered throughout the class I have partners and a few single desks.  On the first day of school, I am going to have my students take a survey to assess the BEST learning environment for them and then try to place them in the best spot possible for THEM and THEIR learning needs.

Some of my concerns...

  • We do so MUCH collaboration that students in single desks need to be able to access others.  So when NOT doing collaborative work, they sit by themselves, but when it is time to work together, they will have to move and join a group.
  • Will any of them want to be by themselves??
  • I have to be aware of the partners I put together (ability, friendship etc...)
I'll let you know how it goes!

Here is a video to a very effective collaborative activity easy to use when in groups of three (taken from the Teaching Channel):

Saturday, August 30, 2014

10 years does NOT make me an expert

This year will be my 10th year teaching.  It would seem like after 10 years of anything you would be an expert, right?!?  Well, not in least not if you are a good teacher.  I will never be an expert because the world is always changing and therefore the needs of students are always changing.

I am excited for a new school year, I am excited to be challenged, to improve, to try new things and find success, to try new things and flop, to use old tried and true methods, to borrow best practices, to become a better teacher.

My goals for the 2014/2015 school year:

1.  Use structured roles in groups to facilitate collaboration (Mrs. Rodriguez will be my go-to for this)
2.  Flip my classroom twice a month (very measurable)
3.  Help students produce GOOD writing not just A LOT of writing 
4.  Have students use TouchCast to produce
5.  Help at least 12 students find a book that they just LOVE 
6.  Send home 1-2 cards of encouragement per student (snail mail)
7.  Reach the groups I struggle to reach (the quiet boys, the girls always on task, etc.)
8.  Blog 1-2 times a week to share what worked, what didn't, what was AMAZING, what I would do differently