- determined
- intrinsically motivated
- teachable
- involved in their own learning
- not afraid to try
- super fun
I know ELD can be a tough class, but this year our school tried something new and I have implemented a new format to teach this class and I have found it to be super successful. There are many factors that make it successful.
- Administration has set up the schedule so that I have my ELD students (23 of them) in Language Arts and Social Science for 1st and 2nd period with other students. There are 42 in all! My ELD students stay with me 3rd period for ELD instruction. Successes: My 1st and 2nd period are heterogeneous which is SO beneficial for my ELD students. My ELD students are getting access to CORE content and being supported in my 3rd period class.
- I am able to connect the curriculum. I introduce concepts 1st in my ELD class, so that when they are introduced in my Core class, my ELD students are now the "experts".
- We read, write and present SO much! Everyday they are practicing the language through genuine conversations and organized writing and presenting.
Here they are presenting!