Sunday, November 29, 2015

Good Instruction Always Wins

With my new job this year as a DLC (Digital Learning Coach), I am re-learning the truth that "Good Instruction Always Wins".  No matter what tech might be brought to the table, the most important question to ask is not whether it is "cool" or "good" but does it improve instruction, does it produce good instruction, does it add to instruction?  

I have observed so many classes this year and I keep coming back to the fact that we as teachers should constantly be analyzing our instruction.  Here are a few questions I have been asking

  • Do you make it clear to the students what they will be learning and how they will be showing that learning?
  • Are your activities truly showing that learning?
  • Are you questions challenging enough, focused enough?
  • Does your lesson make students practice "grit"?
  • If technology is used, what is the purpose?  Is it causing kids to collaborate when they couldn't have before, communicate in a more efficient way, create something original to share, or show their critical thinking?
Teaching is a challenge and supporting teachers is a challenge because having "good instruction" every day takes a lot of effort and thought, which requires time.